Gerakan Smart village Melalui Kuliah Pengabdian Mahasiswa kepada Masyarakat Desa Cilimus Kecamatan Cilimus Kabupaten Kuningan


  • Amaliyah Permata Sari STIS Husnul Khotimah
  • Dina Madinah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Husnul Khotimah (STISHK) Kuningan
  • Fauziyah Nur Azizah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Husnul Khotimah (STISHK) Kuningan
  • Gineng Putri Dermawan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Husnul Khotimah (STISHK) Kuningan
  • Hanifah Nur Nabilah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Husnul Khotimah (STISHK) Kuningan
  • Raihana Adilah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Husnul Khotimah (STISHK) Kuningan
  • Sinta Purwasih Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Husnul Khotimah (STISHK) Kuningan
  • Tiara Az-Zahra Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Husnul Khotimah (STISHK) Kuningan

Kata Kunci:

Smart village, Community Service Lecture, Village Digitalization, MSME Mapping, Touch My Land, Cilimus Village


This research discusses the Smart village movement through Student Community Service Lectures (KPM) in Cilimus Village, Cilimus District, Kuningan Regency. This research aims to support village digitalization and improve the quality of public services and empower the local economy. During the implementation of KPM, students were involved in various activities that support digital transformation, including making village profile videos, managing the Touch Tanahku application for digitizing land assets, as well as mapping MSMEs to Google Maps. These activities are not just additional programs, but also a direct contribution to the implementation of a more efficient and connected Smart village concept. This program shows that village digitalization is not a separate project, but rather a continuous process involving collaboration between various parties, including students as agents of change. Thus, the Smart village in Cilimus Village is a significant first step in creating a village that is more advanced, independent and ready to compete in the digital era. It is hoped that the continuation of these initiatives will accelerate the development process and strengthen the role of villages in a more modern government system.


